Frank Mwashikumbulu

Frank Mwashikumbulu

Frank Mwashikumbulu was born in 1981 at Kupunga Village, 26 km from Chimala. He is married to Aina Iskari Malechela, and they have three children: Siziman, Denis, and Crala. Frank became a Christian in 1996 after being taught by Francis Wechesa followed by Bible lessons and tracts. After Frank’s conversion, he began working with the church at Kapunga. In 2000, Frank joined Chimala School of Preaching and received his diploma in 2001. In 2008, Frank was employed by Chimala Bible Institute as coordinator to the office of World Bible School. In 2012, Frank enrolled in the CBI Bachelor’s program and graduated in 2013. The next year (2014), he began teaching in the CBI Swahili program. In 2015, Frank enrolled in the CBI Master’s program and later graduated. In 2019, Frank accepted the position of Director at the Chimala School of Preaching. In addition to his duties at CSOP, Frank is very active in evangelism while also supporting himself in rice and corn farming.