Returning To Chimala

Please remember our missionaries who are returning to Chimala to resume their work in Tanzania. These are long trips that usually include two long flight “legs” plus one or two shorter local flights and a road trip. Nathan, Kristi, Eden, Emmy, and Rowan Ferguson have just arrived to Chimala today, the 21th of March.

Cheryl Bode will be beginning her long journey Tuesday, 22nd of March and plans to arrive to the mission Friday, the 25th of March.

Mary and I plan to return the 14th of April for a three-month stay.

There will be a number of projects and ministries to begin or resume this year. CSOP classes, planting at the Ailsa farm, a new chicken farm project, construction of the new sterile operational theater at the hospital—these are just to name a few. To top it off, the week-end evangelism conducted by CSOP continues to be highly effective in reaching the lost with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your continued love and support of Chimala Mission. Your assistance is having an impact on the present and future of the Lord’s church in Tanzania!