2019 Change of Oversight

We are excited to announce that Chimala Mission will be overseen by the Dalraida church of Christ starting January 1, 2019.  

For 21 years, the New York Avenue Church of Christ has overseen this work in Tanzania.  They have been such a great partner in this work and have helped to build this mission into a great resource for the people of Tanzania, especially the local church.  

Dalraida Church of Christ is a mission-minded congregation in Montgomery, Alabama. After reaching out to several congregations of the Lord’s saints, we were excited to meet with them and accept their offer to oversee our work.  Dalraida oversees various mission works around the world and commits more than one-third of their annual budget to missions. The Dalraida eldership sees the importance of carrying the gospel to all the world and fulfilling our obligation under the Lord’s Great Commission.

We are reaching out to all of our financial supporters — both individuals and congregations — and encourage everyone to continue supporting this work under the oversight of Dalraida.  They believe in our mission, and together we continue to spread God’s saving message in Tanzania together.

You can download and read the letter sent from the Dalraida elders to all supporters below.